Educating the Public About Nevada State College.

A four-year, comprehensive public college established in Henderson, Nevada in 2002, Nevada State College (NSC) stands as Nevada’s first state college. While many factors set this college apart from its local competition, NSC lacked overall public awareness for its mission, degree programs and diverse student population of nearly 5,000.

Our goal

Our goal was to bring attention to NSC’s key differentiators in order to educate the public about the college, keep enrollment numbers up year-over-year and receive vital state funding to support its expansion efforts. As NSC had no internal communications team in place, we aimed to fill that gap and handle all external communications efforts.


We developed a proactive public-relations strategy centered on the college’s commitment to economic development in Nevada. Our media outreach focused on the college producing a highly skilled workforce that could meet the demand for much-needed careers in Nevada, including teachers and nurses.

We conducted consistent media outreach to a wide variety of local and statewide outlets, including multicultural publications, to regularly expose all audiences to the college’s initiatives. Proactive news pitches centered around student diversity and success stories, faculty expertise and profiles, NSC’s growth initiatives and community partnerships.

The result

The result was a consistent presence in all major education editorial features statewide, generating significant public awareness over a 3-year period. The coverage spurred additional funding to cover construction of a new education building, meeting the area’s growing workforce demands.


positive press clips


secured in state funding
